Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Sometimes I cry...

Sometimes I cry…
When no one is watching,
Cold and alone, the air becomes heavy and graceless,
The pain devours me like a fire engulfing an abandoned building,
Flashes of lightning burst across my sky,
Sometimes I cry…
When no one is near,
Fear and all consuming guilt rage inside my heart,
The thrashing of sorrow plays boisterously,
whispering lies into my ear,
Sometimes I cry…
When surrounded by crowds,
Swallowed up by the company of strangers who know me,
Following the footsteps of familiar shadowy figures,
Covered by billowing, blackened, smokey clouds,
Sometimes I cry…
In the presence of the King,
He shares my burdens and brings a refreshing song,
Healing my wounds and diseases, treating my sores,
Granting me access the ever fleeting, yet eternal peace

“Come, let us return to the Lord . He has torn us to pieces; now he will heal us. He has injured us; now he will bandage our wounds. In just a short time he will restore us, so that we may live in his presence. Oh, that we might know the Lord ! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring.”

Hosea 6:1-3 NLT

Life is filled with many ups, downs, and unexpected turns. At times, it can feel like life itself is unpredictable. Unanswered questions and unresolved issues can hinder us as we try to find our way on the road of life. Have you ever felt like giving up? Has it ever felt like every turn of life was more unbearable than the last? As you read this, I challenge you to change your perspective about the issues in your life. Believe it or not, you didn't create the problems that are present in your life all by yourself. Negative thoughts and degrading self images are your biggest opponent because they directly object the word of God. God has amazing plans for your life and the only thing that can stop or slow them down is your refusal to believe it. Stop whatever you're doing right now and pray to God for His will to be done in your life. This means that all of your deficiencies are planned for. All of your flaws are covered. It is in God's plan for your future for your addiction to be broken, for your hurts to be healed, and for your unresolved issued to be addressed and corrected. Make a decision to believe God right now and witness His faithfulness!


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