Thursday, January 14, 2010

Promote CHRIST! Let Him promote you.

As everyone who ever follows me(Point5) knows, I am all about PURE. It is my ministry, it is my message, and it is my heart. To be a person under a righteous existence and to claim Christianity is a charge to live a PURE lifestyle...In every way possible!
One reason I stress the application of Purity is because so many people in the kingdom struggle with pride, selfishness, and competition. First of all I would like to say that being in the kingdom is joining the body of Christ. You are on the team. You are literally signing up to promote Christ! A major part of the call is to be on the "Jesus Street Team"
If this is the case, then I stress to you, WHY ARE SO MANY ARTISTS, MINISTRIES, MINISTERS SPENDING SO MUCH TIME PROMOTING THEMSELVES? Now don't get me wrong, bragging on what God has done is great, but many artists at times are not promoting what God has done near as much as they are pushing their latest cd, their website, their song, etc.

1 corinthians 15:31 says, "i die every day. I mean that brothers. Just as surely as I glory over you in Christ Jesus our Lord."

As ministers/artists laboring for the cause of Christ, We should be promoting Jesus! Not using the gospel as a resource to promote ourselves. The word of God also says in Proverbs chapter 18 "your gift will make room for you and bring you into the presence of great men." IT SAYS IT RIGHT THERE. YOUR GIFT WILL MAKE ROOM FOR YOU, SO IS IT REALLY NECESSARY TO SPEND ALL OF YOUR TIME PROMOTING YOUR GIFT? NO!!!!!! Your gift is making room for you to present the Good News!

Promote Christ and allow him to promote you.

God is perfect, for me to promote HIM, I don't need to put a "Point5 bowtie" or "Point5 wrapping paper" on Him. It would'nt even do Him justice.

In order to go higher I need to die daily and live in the things of God, Join in his movement. That movement is one of Purity! Pure. Nothing added or subtracted.

THE CHALLENGE: From now on, when you have an opportuniy to serve...just serve. Be number 1 at being number two! and then God will elevate you when HE is ready to. Humble yourselves and die daily. Instead of promoting your music. Promote someone elses. Instead of pushing your site, push someone elses. Do This and see how high God will take you!

I love you! Point5

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Call of Duty" by God's Gift

We all have received a special calling on our lives from God, but if we go along with the plan that’s up to us. Many times our minds get consumed with thoughts of “Our Plans” and not “God’s Plans” for the future.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”-Jeremiah 29:11

He wants you to have faith and understand that he has placed you in a certain place for a reason. God has chosen you to be a representative/Agent of Change (A.O.C.) for him in the world.”For many are invited, but few are chosen.”-Matthew 22:14