Today marks the inauguration of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America. Today also marks a day in which many people are exposed for who they really are...
As I often say, "Anyone can be a Christian (Christ like) when it is easy. Yet our faithfulness is proven in the times when we do not get our way, the times when we face adversity, when tempers flair...when it is NOT easy!"
I wish I could say I was amazed at the number of people who abandon their character and moreover, their commitment to godliness when it comes to politics, but lets face it. People often times just suck! It is in moments like this where we have the opportunity to identify the few (very few) who actually hold true to biblical character. Naturally there will be people stating scripture and giving opinion on what they believe is "so bad" about Donald Trump. Meanwhile, they completely disregard the fact that everything about them is equally as bad. Of course to them its not (because we all think we are good), but to God it is. To God we all fail. We all fall short and Jesus is the only reason we have grace, forgiveness, and worth! It reminds me of a wonderful scripture found in the 7th chapter of Matthew:
"First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye."
Suffice it to say, we are not in any position to judge another man. Especially when God's will is that he be our leader! Wait, did I just say God's will is for Donald Trump to be president? Yup, sure did! and regardless of how you feel about his character, I can assure you God knows WAY more about Mr. Trump than you ever could!
So Check it...
This may not be our preferred president. Heck, he likely wasn't your preferred candidate! But that doesn’t mean it may not be God’s candidate... in order to accomplish something much greater that we don’t see (and maybe never will)...It is possible that we may look back in a few years and say, ‘Wow, he really did some things that none of us expected.’ It is possible that what this nation needs is someone like him in the office of the President so that we can get to where we need to go as a nation. Remember this:
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28
Does that include you? Do you love God? If so, then this is a presidency designed to work together for YOUR good
with that being said, I am a whole lot more open to the fact that God may have something going here that is much bigger than what we think or see. Our job is to trust God. Trust HIS process and surrender our need to understand it...God said Donald Trump is our president. God's will is better than ours! Therefore, We are in the best possible hands under this presidency. No matter how good any other man may be morally or according to our standard, NO ONE is better suited than the Man God put there. Period!
For those who struggle to forgive a man you don't even truly know...
Remember we are called to BLESS those that curse us and pray for our if death and life are in the power in the tongue (like scripture says) then I KNOW the people of God will ultimately speak life to and about Donald Trump and not death. I know that the Holy Spirit will convict us to the point of obedience and our prayers will lead to the success of our nations leader! Again, I know the heart of Christian belongs to God and that we will pray for his success and his obedience to the King of Kings!
This post doesnt make me pro Trump.... I am pro Holy Spirit! God showed me long ago he would be our next president and that I should speak life, pray and uphold God's will over my own and over yours! Therefore I have remained committed to what God's word instructs. I love him. I love his people. I do his work. I seek his will.
Psalm 37:23 says "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way."
I delight in this very place we are now. I am excited to see greater trials and more difficult tests strengthen our faithfulness.
May we all submit our ways unto God and speak life at all times. May our light shine brightly and our hearts be filled with Joy. May we love our God and love our neighbor as ourselves.
-Terrance Aye
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