Sunday, January 17, 2016

Choices and change.

   Today I want to talk to you about how some people live their lives.  Our culture today is so tolerant of sin of any kind it’s sickening, yet most of us aren’t trying to fix the problem.  We’re trying to save souls, we’re trying to bring people to Christ, but we aren’t confronting their demons.  There are plenty of people that go to church every Sunday and put on a front that they’re Christian and everything is great, but they don’t live a Christian lifestyle.  We need to practice what we preach.  Everyone will stumble, but it’s how you react that makes the difference.  Repenting for your sins doesn’t work if you continue to do the same sins.  When you repent, you must change your thought process and change your behavior.  Jesus died for our sins and wants us to be saved, but you have to want it.  He’s already done everything he could, the rest is up to us.

   Then there are people that are so accustomed to sin that they believe it’s part of who they are.  They say they were born that way or they can’t change it.  What if your brother was addicted to heroin?  He was convinced that it is part of his life and he can’t live without it.  Would you say that’s just who he is and leave him be?  No, you would tell him that he isn’t well and do everything you could to save his life.  Why won’t we do this for Christ?  We need to show them that they need healed so we can save their life, so they can have eternal life.  We need to treat this like their lives depend on it, because they do.  Their lives literally depend on it.

   Does this apply to you?  Are you struggling with demons that have been around so long that you just accept them as part of life?  God doesn’t want to watch you struggle, but you have to do something about it.  Make the choice and make a change.  You are worth it.


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