Monday, July 11, 2011

Negative Voices

There is a significant amount of negativity these days. You can't turn on the tv, radio or internet without people telling you everything that is wrong with the world. It seems to me that we should be different than this. We should be bringing hope to a world without hope rather than adding our two cents worth. Often we simply tell people what is wrong from our "Christian" perspective. All this does is makes us another useless voice in the sea of negativity. We get tuned out just like the rest of the noise. The bible says in Ephesians 4:29 we should not speak unwholesome words but just words that give grace to the people who need to hear them at that moment. The challenge for us is to separate from the hopelessness around us so that when we speak it doesn't remind people where they are but shows them where they want to be.

James "Pops" Rees

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