Wednesday, August 27, 2014

7 Christian Stereotypes that need to change!

I have always said I think Christians are some of the most judged and stereotyped people on earth. Truth is, I hate when people assume certain things about me without getting to know who I am just like I am sure you do. Whenever people figure out I am a Christian, Gospel Rapper, and/or Minister, they tend to always assume the following:

1. Cussing around me is a no-no. Really? I’m honored that you feel the need to change your attitude/language around me, but you don’t need to try and be on “good behavior” when we are together. Typically, I’m not offended by your language and its not like I have never heard it before. I would rather you just be yourself than trying to be someone else for me. Some Christians curse at times too. I know that everyday I live on this earth, I will likely hear a curse word at some point. It is what it is.
2. I don’t like Gays. I understand why you may have gotten this impression considering some of the ridiculous Christians out there. But, I love all people regardless of their sexual orientation and preference. To be honest, I don’t know why so many of my Christian brothers and sisters elevate this specifically over everything else. When it comes down to it, I love homosexuals just as much as I love you. I wish Christians would fight as passionately against poverty and sex trafficking as they do homosexuality.
3. I don’t drink alcohol. Now you won’t catch me passed out on the floor drunk, but to assume that I don’t drink at all because of my faith is a bit of an overstatement. After all, the first miracle Jesus did was turn water into wine, Does anyone know a better way to get the party going? lol
4. I don’t like to have fun. This probably has a lot to do with rule #3. Because “I don’t drink” then it can be assumed that I don’t like to have fun. Quite the contrary, it just means I have learned to have fun without the need of over-intoxicating myself.
5. I am ignorant or uneducated about beliefs other than my own. Actually, it is not “my way or the highway.” Obviously, I like the rest of Christians, spend most of my time trying to understand my own faith, but to say that I have shut my eyes to everything else in the world is absurd. Don’t assume I have no clue of what exists outside of Christianity.
6. I think I’m better than you. Somehow, because I am Christian, you assume I believe I am better than you. I understand you might get this impression from some of those who wear the Christian name tag, but humility is one of Christianity’s greatest attributes. I don’t think I am better than you regardless of who you are or what you’ve done. We are all on our own journey and everyone’s look a little bit different.
7. I ignore science. You might be under the assumption that things like the “Big Bang” and natural selection kill my theory for religion, so I just ignore them altogether. The truth is, I love science and it doesn’t crumble my faith at all. I am just as interested as you are to see how God did it and have yet to come across something that totally shakes my faith to the core on whether or not there was a creator.
Granted, there are probably a lot of Christians who these do and do not apply to. Everyone is not the same, but the point is simple: We are all human. The only thing we perfectly represent is humanity. Everything else, including Christianity can only be represented to the best of our ability. Our abilities unfortunately fail at times but that is why we celebrate a God who shows us grace through our failures, gives us his righteousness through Christ, and loves us unconditionally!


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Where is the love?

IMPORTANT: Whenever you find yourself being bombarded with scriptures by someone via social media that claims to be trying to help, immediately message them your phone number and ask them to call you! 

This will often show their true motive.

If they really love you, they will call. If they really care to help you, they will call. However, if their response is to send you more self righteous, psuedo-religious banter, then they are not led by the spirit of God and they are not FOR you. They are in fact AGAINST you.

See, the enemy wants to create division amongst the Saints and his greatest resource is the flesh! He can stir up pride in the average believer with relative ease. So often times even when someone means well, the enemy activates the pride of their flesh and they begin to believe that they are in a right position by using scripture to condemn.  However we must remeber, JESUS CAME NOT TO CONDEMN THE WORLD, BUT TO SAVE IT. 

Knowing scripture is incredibly valuable however LOVING GOD AND LOVING PEOPLE are the ultimate commandments. Love must be at the foundation of all that we do, and this is especially true when it comes to correction. 

"If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3 ASV)"

God wants us to know that if love is not the foundation of all of our actions, beliefs, and speach, then we not only have nothing, but we are nothing! 

God is love! So if ever something has no love, then it has no God.

So when that individual is unloading a duffle bag full of scriptures on your Facebook page, and you ask them to call, you are providing an opportunity to share hearts and  build a relationship. The enemy will run from that. He will hide behind facebook and fire away, justifying his cause but avoiding any and every opportunity to actually glorify God by "meeting you where you are at", hearing your voice, and learning your hearts desire. God is drawn to the heart of man and with every invitation, he crushes in like a mighty wind, ready to captivate the soul and show you his love! 

So with every conflict, be sure to invite God (invite love), and hastily seek a resolution that bring Him the most glory!

Here's to ending facebook condemnation! All across the globe! 

Share, Share, SHARE!

-Terrance Aye