Thursday, December 30, 2010
Point5's new single "ANYWHERE" is a hit!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Books for healing porn addiction
This update to The Drug of the New Millennium is a powerful message of hope and healing. Learn how to protect your family, rescue those addicted, and recover your life and relationships.
Alarming Statistics:
60 million people in the US admitted to purposely visiting Internet porn sites this year (70% indicate that they keep their online porn use a secret).
There are over 4.2 million known separate and distinct porn websites on the Internet, with 2,500 new sites coming online every week.
The 12-17 age group is the largest consumer of Internet porn.
In the last year, 1 out of 5 young chatroom users received an unwanted sexual solicitation.
Discover the tricks pornographers use to entrap the innocent -- especially youth
Find out how to keep children, teens, and adults safe on the Internet
Learn how to identify porn addiction
Help lead loved ones to full recovery
Healing Hearts &
Mending Minds
Understanding & Overcoming an addiction to The Drug of
the New Millennium
This book is essential for anyone who is or knows someone who is addicted to pornography.
Chapter and Section Titles:
One Man's Journey From the Darkness to the Light
Section One: The Science
The Science of How Pornography Radically Alters the Brain
Internet Pornography -- A Drug Dealer's Dream Come True
The Male and Female Brains -- How Men and Women Are Wired Differently
Author's Thoughts About the "Victims" of Pornography
Section Two: The Solutions
Six Simple Steps to Protect Your Family From the Pornography Plague
Step #1: Teach the Truth About Sex
Step #2: Shut Down the Gateway to Porn Addiction
Step #3: Don't Underestimate Pornographers and Overestimate People -- PROTECT!
Step #4: Fight For Decency
Step #5: Create and Nurture True Intimacy in Your Family Relationships
The LifeBalance Relationships Toolbox
Step #6: Daily Self-Care
The LifeBalance Daily Self-Care Routine
Healing Hearts and Mending Minds: Rescue and Recovery From Pornography Addiction
Four Critical Preparatory Steps Before You Begin Your Recovery Program:
Step #1: Recognize and Admit You Have a Problem
Step #2: Understand "How You Got Here"
Step #3: Clearly Identify Your Motive For Recovery
Step #4: Shed the Shackles of Shame, Isolation and Secrecy
Your LifeBalance Recovery Program
Four Simple Daily Commitments:
Commitment #1: "I Engage in Consistent Daily Self-Care"
Commitment #2: I Build New Mental Models & Habits Through Consistent Daily Practice"
Commitment #3: "I Nurture Healthy, Intimate Relationships
Commitment #4: "I Consistently Track & Assess My Progress"
What If Your Spouse Suffers From a Pornography Problem?
Help For Religious Leaders and Counselors
Author's Final Words: There is Great Hope!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Suite 101's position on porn
What is the biggest addiction problem in the States ? The surprising answer is neither drugs nor alcohol, but internet pornography. In a recent internet poll by , 50% of male responders said that they were addicted .
The Scale of the Pornography Problem
User-statistics from 2000 show that the main porn sites were receiving 50 million hits per month. Recent statistics from Internet Filter Review are that this has soared to 72 million hits per month.
Porn is Big Business
A few more figures illustrate the true cause of pornography. It is not something that is good for society or for the individual, but it is very good for the bank balances of those engaged in selling porn:
- The total porn industry revenue for 2006: $13.3 billion in the United States; $97 billion worldwide (Internet Filter Review).
- U.S. adult DVD/video rentals in 2005: almost 1 billion (Adult Video News)
- Hotel viewership for adult films: 55% (
- There are 180 million pornography sites world-wide
Has the States Become A Porn Nation?
Michael Leahy, author of Porn Nation; Conquering Americas #1 Addiction, says that the roots of porn addiction are an individual’s deep set emotional issues and brokenness and an attempt to meet genuine needs in the wrong way.
A reformed porn-addict himself, this problem cost him everything. His marriage, his children and his home. He ended up "at rock bottom".
Pornography has severe effects on society including:
- Sexual addiction – the need for sexual gratification becomes insatiable
- Marriage breakdown – constant sexual urges lead to affairs and subsequent divorce.
- Everyone suffers especially the children
- Harm to spouse – the wife / husband of a sex addict may self blame or become suicidal
- An addict may lead a double life
Leahy, who conquered his own addiction, advises that those who have recovered from pornography addiction need to realise that they cannot have any exposure to porn whatsoever – this can lead to re-addiction, rather in the way a reformed alcoholic can never again touch alcohol. This is because constant use of pornography alters the brain chemistry radically in a similar way to drug addiction.
7 Steps to Kicking the Porn Habit
He offers the following plan of action to those who want to rid themselves of the harmful effects of porn-addiction on their lives:
- Admit to yourself you ARE a porn addict and know that porn is a want, not a need.
- You must go cold Turkey - block all internet porn sites, get rid of all porn materials
- Confess to a friend and ask them to act as a “buddy” to watch your back
- Repent – truly be sorry for what you have done, otherwise you won't feel the need to change
- Praying for deliverance helps, ask God for help on a daily basis
- Go to a trained counsellor/therapist to address underlying issues
- Find healthier, non computer related ways of using time
Ways to overcome porn
Monday, December 20, 2010
Yup. I'm glad I perform at secular shows. (Ces Magmatic)
Part 1, the bar.
Tonight I ministered at Fubar in St Louis, there was a Hip-Hop showcase and I was one of the artists. (the venue smelled like cigarettes and bad lyrics) It's been a while since I performed at a bar or a club... That's too bad. A lot (not all but a lot) of the other music was predictable: Glam-Rap, club-style, "my Swag will kill your grandma" type stuff. All of the other rappers there brought folks to hype so, obviously when I go up I anticipate a little less attention. A little A.D.D. action, right? Nope. Did my best for God and from the stage I could see folks locking eyes with me... listening to lyrics that were obviously God-centered. Some folks left. Others came up from the back of the room. I ended one of my songs saying "I'm Following Christ" and folks cheered. When I was done, some of the people who didn't look like they were into the music were talking to me about how deep my stuff was... They responded to what I had to say. I praise GOD that His principals can penetrate the hardest of hearts. People came and bought CDs that hopefully minister to them however necessary. It's interesting to me how I can go up, one man on stage, speaking of Christ and a God-centered lifestyle and get more attention/feedback (at the time) than songs that are obviously "What they want to hear" focused on self. I guess that's what happens when your music isn't focused on anything taxable or dishonest.
PART 2 "The After-Party"
I had two of my closest brothers with me helping me with merch and video... (Shout out to MOG and Purpose) we chopped it up a little bit in the Word from what God did with Joshua after Moses died, to Paul's evangelism techniques and how ministry happens OUTSIDE of the physical church and "perfect" situation. (Those conversations were all in the bar, by the way) After the show we hopped over to a Coffee Shop addressing the state of the church and how we should be moved by the force of our faith rather than the emotion and theatrics of a moment. See, what's so important is that we had discussion and dialogue about God regardless of the atmosphere... to be honest we talked about God from the moment I picked them up to when I dropped 'em off at the end of the night. We ministered to each other during and after the event and God used those opportunities to make us stronger in Him. I could probably go on about this stuff into "PART 3" and "PART 4" but all I'm trying to say is relationship trumps religion any day. Tonight, relationship said "God I could do things in your name all day but if you're not IN IT, it's a waste of my time and yours. Be with me and let's do this together." Relationship said "Send me, Lord, I'll go share your Word with the world" What would religion have done? Glad you asked. Religion would have said "Son, next time someone calls you to do an event outside of a safe and God-Loving atmosphere wait until everyone there is saved and sanctified... that's the only crowd we minister to. They are the ones who deserve to hear the Gospel."
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
You were meant for more!
Wow...Is this really the way it is? Heck yes! THe unfortunate reality is that most of us have gotten comfortable....we live a routine and regular life!
Acts 10:15 says " for that which God has made clean, do not you make common" - all things of God are uncommon, set apart... WILD AND DIFFERENT...shouldn't your life be the same?
I challenge you to live a life full of purpose! Moses parted the red sea. Peter was crucified upside down, Paul was stoned and left for dead...these are not boring men and they certainly did not live boring lives. David defeated Goliath with a slingshot because he was uncommon. While the common folk were frightened and running for fear of their lives, little David stood up to the Giant and cast him down!
Think about it...even today most of the people you look up to in life are people that have done something beyond the norm.
So stop trying to skate by...realize that you were meant for more! Jesus wants more from you.
John 10:10 "The enemy came but to steal, kill and destroy. Yet I have come that you might have life and that more abundantly"
The abundant life awaits you! Are you willing to fight the good fight and live the good life?
Ephesians 3:20 "Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us!"
There is that word "abundance" again. Are you willing to tap into that power that God has given you to be more? To be great?
I love you- Point5
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Get out from Behind Yourself
13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.
As you see the son didn't go off, get himself straight to come back to his father. He was at his lowest point. Look at the Father's response to his son who had gone out and squandered everything his father had given him.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.
God loves YOU for who YOU are. So be real and share your struggle. Like Nate, you have to power to change other peoples lives with your struggle and your story.
Blessings! Jared
Software to help with your Porn addiction! from XXXchurch on Vimeo.
VISIT X3WATCH.COM now to get yours!
Additionally you can email us at at any time and we would be happy to assist you with your fight to become pure!
"I love you" - Point5