Just a little over two weeks ago, The Lord was dealing with me about several things in my life that I had seemingly ignored. My walk with God in the past three years has been an absolute delight. I have naturally had trials, but I am always amazed to see God moving and to see myself growing in HIM. Because I am so on fire, I constantly find myself asking of God to help me to the Next level of Glory.
"Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to everyone generously without a rebuke, and it will be given to him." James 1:5
I was however, sometimes impatient, wondering why I was not yet where I wanted to be in God. I would dig more, press harder, pray longer. Yet I still wasnt really seeing the results that I knew God could give.
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us," Ephesians 3:20
Then I came to a point where I sought out wisdom like never before, I kept thinking that the word of God says "I shall not want" and diggidy-darn-darn it, I am tired of wanting!
2 Chronicles 7:14 CHANGED MY LIFE! "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
I couldnt help but notice the "THEN I will heal there land." This showed me that there was a recipe for allowing God to hear my prayer in a responsive way. Naturally God can "hear" all of our prayers. But this reffers to the type of hearing that causes God to respond. To heal. To repair. To restore. To fulfill (woooo I am getting excited just typing this. I'm about to dance up out my clothes yall). This is our recipe for success.
I then understood that if I was lacking before it was because I failed to complete the recipe. In my particular situation, I noticed several areas that were "wicked ways" and I had just not noticed before, or I ignored. So with the power of the hily Ghost, I took drastic steps to remove those things from my life, I did some serious cutting away...and it was certainly painful...but I did learn something...Love/Faith/Belief require action. If you say you want an area of your life to change, then you will change it. At the end of the day if its not changed, then you didnt really want it. Likewise before I didn't want to let go of the things that stood in my way. Well about two and a half weeks ago I let go and THEN He heard my prayer and healed my land.
The last part to this is that, although I was restored in Jesus, there were things that were out of my reach. I simply cannot spend my time trying to convince the people around me that my land is healed. IT JUST IS. The enemy began to attack and me, my God, and my land made it through fairly easily, but the people observing had no faith in the change. When you receive your breakthrough, you don't have to spend all day trying to convice people of it. Just enjoy your healed land and rejoice in the Lord. Others will come around and if they don't. Show them the recipe ;)
"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy," Jude 1:24
Love- Point5